The Mount Group Practice 01302 361222
Bessacarr Medical Centre 01302 539387

Useful telephone numbers

The Mount Group Practice 01302 361222

Bessacarr Medical Centre 01302 539387

The Mount Prescription Line 01302 303410

Bessacarr Medical Centre Prescription Line 01302 379300

NHS 111 111

Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospital 01302 366666

Tickhill Road Hospital 01302 796000

Doncaster Social Services 01302 737391

Job Centre 0845 6043719

Alcohol Counselling Service 01302 730956

Samaritans 01302 327474

Marriage Guidance (RELATE) 01709 347474

Aspire (Drug & Alcohol Team) 01302 303900

National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020133

MacMillan Nurses 01302 796650

St John’s Hospice 01302 796666

CRUSE (Bereavement Counselling) 01302 814647

MIND 01302 812190

Registration Office (Births/Deaths Marriages) 01302 735222

DIAL 01302 327800

SmokeFree 0800 6120011

PALS (Patient Advice Liaison Service) 01302 642766

NHS Doncaster 01302 565656

Date published: 26th June, 2020
Date last updated: 26th June, 2020