The Mount Group Practice 01302 361222
Bessacarr Medical Centre 01302 539387


The practice offers a variety of clinics & services as follows:

Flu Vaccination Clinic

Vaccination against Influenza and Pneumonia is available for those at special risk, ie, patients with diabetes, heart disease, COPD, stroke, asthma, immunosuppressed, carers, pregnant women and patients aged 65 and over, on an annual basis. Please telephone your usual surgery to arrange an appointment.

Shingles Vaccination

The current Shingles Campaign is for all 70 and 79 year old patients.  Please contact the surgery if you think you are eligible.

Treatment Room

To include blood sampling, ear syringing, dressings, injections, blood pressure, 24 hour ECG and blood pressure monitoring, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) check, OGTT (Oral glucose tolerance test) for diabetes testing, Helicobacter Pylori testing.

Chronic Disease Management

Routine checks for patients suffering from asthma/emphysema/COPD, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, epilepsy, thyroid disease and diabetes are performed in clinics supervised by appropriately trained Practice Nurses.
To book an appointment please contact Mrs Anjim Deen – Tel: 01302 303419.

Minor Surgery

Both premises are fully equipped for minor surgery including cryotherapy for warts and verrucas. Please make an appointment for assessment with one of the following doctors in the first instance, Dr Nwokoma or Dr Cocker.  Dr S Khan also provides joint injections only.

Family Planning

A range of services, including the pill, coil, nexplanon, injections and ‘morning after’ pill are provided.  The coil insertion and nexplanon service is provided by Dr M Lahiri.

The ‘morning after’ pill is effective for up to 3 days after you have been at risk, the sooner you take it the more effective it is and this service is available free of charge from the practice. The ‘morning after’ pill is also available over the counter from pharmacies, for a charge of approximately £20.00.

Cervical Smears

A recall system is operated by the Cytology Department.  You will be notified by them when your cervical smear is due, please contact the surgery to make an appointment with the practice nurse. Women who attend the practice for a routine cervical smear will also be offered a general health check. If however you have any concerns between routine checks please make an appointment with your usual doctor.

Breast Screening

All ladies aged 50 to 70 in this area are offered a routine mammogram every three years. If you live in the Doncaster area you will be invited to the Cameo Centre at Chequer Road Clinic.  If you have breast symptoms, please see your GP.

Bowel Screening

Bowel Screening is offered screening every 2 years to all men and women aged 60 to 74.

Ante-Natal Clinic

If you are thinking of becoming, or already are pregnant, start taking folic acid. If a home pregnancy test is positive, you can register with the midwife without seeing a doctor. Please contact reception and they will pass your details onto the midwife, and the midwife will contact you. The object of the care provided is to maintain the health of mother and baby throughout the pregnancy. Regular attendance is therefore essential. The midwife will invite you to relaxation and mothercraft classes. The classes are to help you understand your pregnancy, labour and how to look after your baby.

Postnatal Checks

This is an important routine check following the birth of your child. It is done six weeks after delivery.

Travel Advice / Vaccinations

Our practice nurses are available by appointment to offer medical advice regarding travel and vaccinations where appropriate. Do plan ahead – don’t leave your vaccinations until the last minute.

Child Surveillance Clinics

These are held at both surgeries. Services include developmental checks and routine immunisation. If your child is suffering from a medical problem, please make an appointment with the doctor rather than bringing the child to the child surveillance clinic.

We believe that it is essential that the recommended programme of childhood immunisation is fully completed.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 6th February, 2025